Friday, May 30, 2008

The Call

After much prayer I made the call I was meant to make before God even created me. Today I called the International Mission board of the Southern Baptist Convention.

While sitting with Kim discussing a situation at church I asked her if she thought it was time for me to leave Faith Temple. If it was me holding back the church. Kim made a statement that really brought home what I believe is making me struggle. She said Greg, you know just going to another church or ministry is not going to make you happy. Then she said that I would never be happy until I was doing what God wanted me to do. (Make Disciples!) This really landed on me hard. Because she is right.

As many of you know I have felt since last April that it was time for a change. That God had something else in mind. As I have told you Kim and I have prepared ourselves to go anywhere God wants us to go. But as many of you know, we have limited God to any church or ministry in the US that he wants to send us to. Well I believe now I see why nothing has happened We were limiting God.

I made the call yesterday to the IMB and made the initial contact to begin the application process for Long Term Missions. And, I felt just like I did the moment I gave my life back to God 8 years ago for service. It felt like a huge burden was lifted.

As I look back now over the past 10 years, since we came to FBC Rockwall I think I can see why. The Church opened my heart for missions. I thought it was by helping me to understand the need for money. And as a pastor I have led a church who gave little to Lottie Moon to one that is in the top 3% of all SBC churches in percentage of giving. But that was not it.

God has given me a great gift. It is a teaching gift. Also an ability to learn and use languages. And a great passion, make disciples. I truly believe God is calling me to go and make Timothy's and Titus's in places where they live.

I simply want to make myself available to be used anywhere in the world God wants us to go.

