Saturday, March 28, 2009

Last Sunday our Sunday Evening meeting moved from our old house to the Nance's house. we have just finished a 3 month study of what spiritual formation means. (Which is what my job will be in Mexico) Afterwards we disscussed what the meetings were to look like as the group went forward...

We gather together with one purpose-to become better disciples of Jesus Christ. We do this by encouraging one another to keep Jesus’ word, which, as he said, is what we naturally do when we love him (John 14:23-24). Through the grace of mutual accountability, we strive to inspire one another to love and good works.

In utter dependence upon Jesus Christ as our ever-living Savior, Teacher, Lord and Friend, We will seek continual renewal through
· Spiritual exercises
· Spiritual gifts
· Acts of service


· By God’s grace, set aside time regularly for prayer, meditation, and spiritual reading and will seek to practice the presence of God.
· By God’s grace, strive mightily against sin and will do deeds of love and mercy.
· By God’s grace, welcome the Holy Spirit, exercising the gifts and nurturing the fruit while living in the joy and power of the Spirit.
· By God’s grace, endeavor to serve others everywhere we can and will work for justice in all human relationships and social structures.
· By God’s grace, share our faith with others as God leads and will study the Scriptures regularly. · By God’s grace, joyfully seek to show forth the presence of God in all that we are, in all that we do, in all that we say.

We Ask:

· In what ways has God made his presence known to us since our last meeting? What experiences of prayer, meditation and spiritual reading has God given us? What difficulties or frustrations have we encountered? What joys and delights?
· What temptations have we faced since our last meeting: How did we respond? Which spiritual disciplines has God used to lead us further into holiness of heart and life?
· Have we sensed any influence or work of the Holy Spirit since our last meeting? What spiritual gifts has the Spirit enabled you to exercise? What was the outcome? What fruit of the Spirit would we like to see increase in our life? Which disciplines might be useful in this effort?
· What opportunities has God given us to serve others since our last meeting? How did we respond? Have we encountered any injustice to or oppression of others? Have we been able to work for justice and peace?
· Has God provided opportunity for us to share our faith with someone since our last meeting? How did we respond? In what ways have we encountered Christ in our reading of the Scriptures? How has the Bible shaped the way we think and live?
· In what ways have we been able to manifest the presence of God through our daily work since our last meeting? How has God fed and strengthened us through the ministry of word and sacrament?

We share which area or areas would we like to work this week? What specific exercise or exercises would we like to try?

We Pray:

Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever.

Afterwards I realized, what we do, church, I just planted my first cell church! WOW!

Afterwards before we left we commited to inviting others that new families could join us in the hopes that the group would grow with the intention of spintering off. Eric decided to take a picture. We will this group so much!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Not Time To Say "Enough"

Will You Go With Us

Kim and I are praying that many would go with us. We are currently praying and seeking those who will. We are seeking churches and Sunday School classes and individuals who will convent with us to wash us daily in prayer. We have no delusions that the work will be easy. The travel will be tough, the language will be hard to learn, the nationals may resist. We know the evil one awaits us. But we also know the awesome power of prayer and that our success will correlate directly to your prayer.
If you would be willing to enlist your Church, or Sunday School, and be our contact for prayer requests and newsletters, please contact us at For this we covenant to do all we can to take you to Puebla with us. To keep you posted on our needs, progress and ministry. We also will be working within our team to provide churches with opportunities to 'Go".

Friday, March 20, 2009

We Are RLM

Within the language of the IMB there are many acronyms. IMB, International Mission Board.ILC, international Learning Center, the old MLC, Missionary Learning Center. MK, Missionary Kid, now TWK, Third World Kid and dozens more.

An unofficial acronym among missionaries is RLM. That is Real Live Missionary. We as of Wednesday Night in an incredible Appointment service were appointed as Missionaries to the International Mission Board.

We are now officially Real Live Missionaries.

We will be home here in Heath until the day after Easter. April 13th. Aside from a trip to Austin for some Visa documentation work we are available. We would love to share all God is doing with us and the IMB to bring Jesus to this lost world.

Next Up:
Richmond at the ILC April 20th - June 18th for Foreign Personnel Orientation.
San Jose Costa Rica, Spanish Language School, Depart July 23, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Appointment Service

We are off in the morning for Greenville South Carolina. Beginning Saturday Morning and culminating with our Appointment Service at Taylors First Baptist Church we will meet with IMB personnel, and IMB Trustees for affirmation and information, and fellow appointees for fellowship.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Things have really changed this past week. The feeling of stillness has really changed to one of busyness. But not busy doing things. Busy sharing our ministry. God has given mCheck Spellinge so many opportunities to share. The response of support has been wonderful. So many old friends as well as new ones from First Baptist, as well as friends of friends have wanted to hear about this incredible work God is allowing Kim and I to be part of in Puebla, Mexico.
We have one more weekend before leaving so we pray for more opportunity. We leave for Greenville, SC Friday morning March 13Th.