Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Today marks 4 months in our journey to become International Missionaries of the 10 it will take. That is 2 months less than normal. (Harder than adoption, but much quicker, unless you count Emma Jane's unheard of adoption!) We are currently getting our reference packages into the hands of those who will be sharing what they know of our lives with the Trustees of the IMB. We have prayed over them and we have only two left to give out. Many will probably wonder why they were not asked. Well, for many we have not known you long enough.The IMB was specific in the length of our relationship, and many of the 34 we had to hand out were very specific people. It was actually very very hard to get all 34 and meet their criteria. We also could not use family.

Next up is to spend the next two months getting things organized and then in December we go to Richmond.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Reference Questionaires

We received our package of 30 reference questionnaires today. We will be asking many of you to take the time to answer questions about us and our children over the next week. This is the final step besides our Candidate Conference in December before Trustee Vote on January 27th.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


When we began our application with the IMB there was a job in Belize that I had thought was the perfect job for me. It was in the area of Theological Education and the job description described all these Baptist church's that had drifted away from proper doctrine and had lost their power and presence in the community. This excited me and I was sure this was the job for Kim and I. The setting was safe and secure with a missionary owned home and the teaching setting was one of a classroom and there would be contact with and interaction with seminary professors here in the states. I was very excited.
Then one day I read about the work in Mexico. A work that was not so safe and secure. The "Urban Transformation Initiative" The IMB has launched this initiative on the largest cities in Mexico. Puebla is the fourth largest. I read the job description over and over. It had hold of me, let me share a bit of it.

"This is one of several requests that are on the leading edge of our work. The requirements should be taken very seriously-counting the cost-before entering this work. The commitment required, the trusting faith required, and the potential for spiritual breakthrough are all at the highest level imaginable."
"Less than 2.5% know Christ at this time. Responsiveness to clear Biblical expression of the Gospel is expected to be high. Poor evangelism has resulted in expressions of a superficial faith in Christ. We must be thoroughly Biblical in all we do. Puebla is an incredibly influential city; when it is reached, the impact will be massive within the country and beyond!"
"In the job description addendum there were some further clarifications of the expectations. These caught my heart. "We will release personal dreams of position and status. We will make a break and will not plant 'traditional', churches. All churches we plant are radical agents in the world-Salt with Saltiness!"

On Saturday night June 21st, I read the job posting many times and prayed over it. I had also searched myself and asked does my choice utilize the gifts and capabilities the Creator God gave me? Would I be utilizing them in my service to Christ? And the answer for both jobs was yes. Then I searched myself further and my desire and wants and needs. I then asked myself, am I willing to tune into God's inner voice and ignore my own. Am I willing to follow God as He opens and closes doors in accordance with "His Calling."
In the middle of the night I awoke and Acts 11:21 was on my mind. I thought Acts 11:21, I have no idea what it says. I tried to fall back to sleep, and could not, I turned on the light and looked it up, then ran and woke Kim up and read it to her. Acts 11:21 And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number who believed turned to the Lord.

God had given me His answer. The Belize Job was filled by another and Kim and I reserved the position in Puebla. Why Puebla, because God said Go. Go tell the world that Love has come.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Time To Catch Up

After my last post we have since completed our dental clearances, our mental health evaluations, our children's educational and development evaluations, done our Life Sketch, statement of beliefs, our autobiography, our background checks were done, and we completed our reference lists. My College and Seminary transcripts were sent, and we reserved a specific job in Puebla, Mexico and today.....We had our In Depth Interview.

And we were told all the hard stuff was now behind us. Amen!

We were told today, I guess amidst all this financial crisis, that the IMB would not allow us to have any debt when we leave. So that made very clear some prayers on how to handle our home. But as you know after Sunday we are so ready to be free of everything. Debt and possessions. We are relatively debt free so it was really simply a confirmation. Anybody looking for a babied Mustang!

Thanks for your prayers.

I will get back up to speed soon on my blogging.

Tomorrow, Why Puebla?